Create a Beth Israel GivingFire Account to Easily Manage Your Giving
Easy to set up recurring donations
Give your tithes faithfully by setting up a giving schedule
Make changes to your recurring donations any time
Set up Pledges to track giving goals for the year
Use your preferred payment method, either by bank account or credit card

Fast and Easy Giving by Text
Text to 904-204-BIMS
You can text 904-204-BIMS (2467) to give via text. You will need to set up a GivingFire account and have a linked default phone number and payment method, but you will be automatically prompted to create and account add any information that is missing when you use it for the first time. Below are a full list of text giving commands:
- GIVE (amount) – creates a one time donation to the default fund
- GIVE WEEKLY (amount) – creates a weekly donation to the default fund. The donation runs the next day for the first time, then every week thereafter.
- GIVE MONTHLY (amount) – creates a monthly donation to the default fund. The donation runs the next day for the first time, then every month thereafter.
- STATUS – displays a list of recurring donations and their status (scheduled, needs repair, etc)
- HISTORY – displays a list of the last five donations given, regardless of method
- SUPPORT – displays a list of available commands

Track Your Giving Goals with Pledging
Pledges help Beth Israel more accurately budget expenses, and are also a great way for you to keep track of your giving goals throughout the year. You can create a pledge easily with a GivingFire account. Once you set a pledge goal, your progess updates automatically when you give donations through GivingFire. Set-up recurring donations to make it even easier.